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标签:七年级下册英语教案范文,七年级下英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 七年级英语上学期unit3教案9,


    Period 8 Practicing
    Target language 目标语言
    1. Words and phrases 生词和短语
    arm, ear, eye, foot (feet), hair, hand, head, leg, mouth, nose, happy, sad, cold, cool, hot, warm, little, long, short, tall, left, right, feel, have, has, hurt, in, out, with, nose
    2. Key sentences 重点句子
    I am / feel happy / sad.
    How tall are you? I'm 1.2 meters tall.
    What's the matter?
    My elbow / ear ... hurts.
    I have a headache / stomachache. I feel sick.
    Ability goals 能力目标 
    Enable students to use the words and the expressions learned freely.
    Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Help students grasp the expressions in their daily life.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    The words and the expressions in this unit.
    Teaching difficult point 教学难点
    How to use "have" and "has".
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Task-based speaking.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step I Revision
    a. Greeting
    b. Show the dialogue they made up. 
    c. Check homework.
    Step II Tasks
    Every group chooses a task written on a piece of paper and finish quickly and show in class.
    Group 1's task:
    Draw a body and label every part of the body.
    Group 2's task:
    Acting competition. Act out different feelings like "happy", "sad", "hot", "cold", "warm", or "cool" and see who's the best actor or actress.
    S1: How do you feel?
    S2: (Do the action.) I feel cold.
    S1: How do you feel?
    S3: (Do the action.) I'm very hot.
    Group 3's task:
    Compare with each other and talk about the bodies with "big, "little", "long", "short" and "tall".
    S4: I have big ears. You have little ears.
    S5: I have short arms. You have long arms.
    S6: I am tall. You are short.
    Group 4's task:
    Measure each other's height quickly and give a report.
    S7: This is Mary. She is 1.4 meters tall.
    S8: This is Tom. He is 1.5 meters tall.
    S9: This is Lily. She is 1.6 meters tall.
    S10: This is Lucy. She is 1.6 meters tall, too.
    Group 5's task:
    Flash pictures of famous stars and ask and answer them.
    S11: This is Yao Ming. (Flash the picture quickly.) What color is his hair?
    S12: His hair is black. How tall is he?
    S13: He is 2.3 meters tall.
    Group 6's task:
    Finish Part A of Exercise III in Lesson 24. Talk about the following pictures with group members.
    S13: Is his hair black?
    S14: No. He has brown hair.
    S13: Are his eyes green?
    S14: Yes. His eyes are green.
    S13: Is he Lorin?
    S14: Yes. You are right.
    Group 7's task:
    Finish Part B of Exercise III in Lesson 24. Here is the dialogue:
    S15: What's the matter?
    S16: I have headache?
    S15: Are you okay?
    S17: No. I cut my elbow. My elbow hurts.
    Group 8's task:
    Finish Part B of Exercise IV in lesson 24.
    T: Look at the people around you. What are they like? Write some sentences about them.
    A sample writing:
    Jerry is a girl. She is from America. He has short, yellow hair. His eyes are blue and small. His nose, mouth and ears are small, too. He is very tall.
    Step VII Homework
    a. Finish the exercises in Lesson 24.
    b. Sum up what they have learned in this unit.
    c. Preview unit 4.



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