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九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案,
    5. Last year he was a salesman.
    What was _____ _____ last year?    (2005. 烟台)
    1.I wondered…Where does he live?(合为宾语从句)
    2.Some robbers robbed the shop. (被动句)
    3.All the boys came here, but Tom didn't. (同义句)
    All the boys came here __________Tom.
    4. I get on well with my classmates. (提问)
    5. He said, "I have lost my money." (间接引语)
    八、看侦探故事(Who is the thief ?),找出真正的小偷。
    过了一会儿,又是敲门声。"请进!"门开了,一个男人走了进来:"喂,你在这儿干什么?" 哈克反问:"你是谁?怎么可以在我房间里这样说话?"那个男人不甘示弱:"你在我房间里干什么?你怎么进来的?"哈克说:"这是我的房间,321号。"那男的看了看门牌,忙说:"对不起,是我弄错了。"退出门去,顺手关上了门。
    A.第1个 B.第2个 C.第3个
    You've passed the second level . I'll give you a chance to be a detective. Let's look at a short detective story. In this story, a man's necklace was stolen . Try to catch the thief !
    Do you think who the thief is ? Why do you think so?
    (There are two suspects, the first man and the second man.)
    Maybe the first man is the thief . Because the tenant ordered breakfast and Niucheng Paper ,the first man brought him coffee and said he had made a mistake and went into the wrong room. I think maybe he is not a real waiter.
    Maybe the second man is the thief . Because before entering the room he knocked at the door . He said "this is my room" . If it is really his room . He doesn't need to knock at the door before entering the room .
    So I'm not sure who the thief is .
    I think to be a dective is not easy. We can not suspect a person easily . Certainly we can not judge someone guilty or not by imagination . To arrest someone is even more serious. We need plenty of evidence. If you are interested in the story,  after class you may go on talking about it . Today's homework------write a short detective story about it.
    Revision of  Unit 6   Detective  Stories
    Name:          Class:         Mark:        
    一、White the names of crimes and criminals according to the pictures(8分)
    Crimes:  1)          2)       3)         4)       
    Criminals:1)          2)       3)         4)       
    二、Fill in the blanks(15分)
    犯罪行为 犯罪类型              Noun 犯罪分子或人   Noun 犯罪行为
    1. The banker's son was taken away by some _________.  The banker was asked for a lot of money. Now the police are dealing with the _____________. (kidnap).
    2. The treasure minister (财政部长) in that small country ___________________ on a cold night. The ________has not been found out. (murder)
    3. __________sometimes happens in a supermarket. But___________are seldom caught. (shoplift)
    4. Last night when I got home I saw a ______ entering my house. Instantly I called the police, telling them that _______is happening in my house. (thief)
    四、Translate the following phrases(8分)
    犯罪记录_______________      谋杀案件的证人     _______________
    核对现场_______________      在…..方面有过失    _______________
    用刀袭击某人_______________  因……被通缉       _______________
    被逮捕     ______________    一份报酬丰厚的工作 _______________
    attack/want/break into/be guilty of/bleed to death
    1.Dad,you are _______on the phone .
    2.The boss __________ computer crime in 1999.
    3.She __________ with a knife in the street and ________________ at last .
    4. I saw the thief _____________ the jewellery shop  when I walked past it .
    dress/high /die/get along well with/be charged with
    5.It is_______ possible that it will snow tomorrow .
    6.He ___________________theft last year.
    7.A girl was found________ by the river .
    8.I am sure he will___________________ you.
    9.Look ! The girl ____________ like an angel .
    六、Listening practice(23分)
    A. Review detective stories (13分)
    Today something ______ happened. A 22-year-old man was _______in Valley Town .The _____ was found in the doorway of a clothes shop .The _____was a computer programmer .He was last seen ______ his office. The murder_____ _____ between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. The victim was _____ with a knife and there was evidence of a _______.The police are looking for clues that will help them find the ________. A ______ saw a man running down Upper Street with ______ on his shirt. The man said that he had evidence to_____ that he was not at the scene of the crime.

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