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九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案,
    B.Review detective report(10分)
    Sometime between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ,Guan Fei was __________ . We have two_________ . One is  a  ___________  . He has known Guan Dawei for_________. However, he ________ know the boy who was kidnapped . He went to the Guan's house that morning ,but in the evening he was at________ .The other is a ________ and she has known Guan Dawei for ___________. She ______ the boy who was kidnapped. She went to the Guan's house that day and left the house
    at _________.
    1. The brave young man caught those _________ (thief) and took them to the police station. They'll be charged with _______ (thief). (2006. 德州)
    2. The boy is _________(interest) in_______( science) and he wants to be a ________ (science).  (2004. 南通)
    3. You can contact me by mobile phone.(同义句) (2004. 淮阴)
    You can contact me ____ _____ _______ _______.
    4. The murder took place between 7 pm. and 10 pm. (2005.北京)
    ______ ______the murder ______ place?
    5. Last year he was a salesman.
    What was _____ _____ last year?    (2005. 烟台)
    1.I wondered…Where does he live?(合为宾语从句)
    2.Some robbers robbed the shop. (被动句)
    3.All the boys came here, but Tom didn't. (同义句)
    All the boys came here __________Tom.
    4. I get on well with my classmates. (提问)
    5. He said, "I have lost my money." (间接引语)

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,九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案


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