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What would you do教案4

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com What would you do教案4,

What would you do教案4

    The Fourth Period
    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
    1.Knowledge Objects
    (1) Key Vocabulary
    energetic, confident, public, in public, permission
    (2) Target Language
    What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?
    I'd say yes.
    2.Ability Objects
    (1) Train students' ability to identify words in context.
    (2) Train students' ability to use the target language.
    (3) Train students' listening skill.
    3.Moral Object
    Enable students to realize that confidence is a good personality.
    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points
    1.Key Vocabulary
    2.Target Language
    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
    1.Listening practice using the target language.
    2.Use the target language.
    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods
    1.Listening practice
    Ⅴ.Teaching Aids
    1.A projector
    2.A tape recorder
    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    1.Check the homework exercises on pages 11~12 of the workbook.
    2.Say, If I had a day off today, what would I do? Encourage students to give advice using sentences beginning with if I were you, I'd … or you should … See how many pieces of advice students are able to think of.
    Step Ⅱ 1a
    This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words. Introduce the key vocabulary words on page 29 by showing them on the screen by a projector.
    energetic adj. 有活力的;精力充沛的
    confident adj. 自信的;有把握的
    public n. & adj. 公众(的);公共(的)
    in public 当众;公开的
    permission n. 许可;允许;准许
    Say the words one by one and have students repeat several times.
    Write them on the blackboard.
    Read the instructions to the class.
    Point to the five words above the box. Invite a student to read them to the class. Ask students to tell what each word means. For example, for the word outgoing, a student might say, outgoing means friendly.
    Focus attention on the five numbered sentences in the box. Point out the sample answer. Ask students to think about which word would work best in each blank.
    Get students to fill in the blanks on their own. Walk around the room offering help as needed.
    Ask different students to read their sentences, filling the blanks. The rest of the class check their answers.
    Correct the answers.
    1.Confident 2.Outgoing 3.Creative 4.Shy 5.Energetic
    Step Ⅲ 1b
    This activity provides oral practice using the target language.
    Read the instructions to the class.
    Call students' attention to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
    SA: What are you like?
    SB: I think I'm creative and outgoing.
    Say, Practice in pairs. Say the sample conversation first. Then make conversations to tell each other what words in activity 1a describe you.
    Have students practice in pairs. As they work, walk around the classroom checking progress and offering language support as needed. Have a few pairs of students to share their conversations with the class.
    Step Ⅳ 2a
    This activity provides listening practice using the target language.
    Call students' attention to the chart. Tell them that this is a questionaire about how confident you are. Explain to students that a questionaire means a written list of questions to be answered by a number of people.
    Point to the list of questions underneath the headline "What would you do…" Ask different students to read them to the class. Correct any pronunciation and intonation errors.
    Say, You are to listen to a conversation between Cellia and Bill. Check the questions Cellia asks.
    Play the recording the first time.
    Students only listen.
    Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and check the answers Cellia asks.
    Check the answers.
    Checked questions:
    the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?
    someone asked you to be in a movie?
    Girl 1: I just did a personality survey in Teen Time Magazine. It tells you how confident you are.
    Boy 1: Oh? How did you do, Cellia?
    Girl 1 :I don't know yet. But it's a really interesting test. You should try it, Bill.
    Boy 1: OK.
    Girl 1: How about question 1? What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?
    Boy 1: I'd say I had a cold and couldn't speak. I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school.
    Girl 1: How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?
    Boy 1: Oh , I'd say no. I'd be too nervous. What's the next question?
    Girl 1: Let's see …
    Step Ⅴ 2b
    This activity provides listening practice using the target language.
    Point to the list of answers underneath the headline "I would …" Ask different students to read them to the class.
    Say, You are to listen to the same conversation again. This time listen to both the questions and answers. Gircle the letter of the correct answers to each question. Play the recording again. Students listen and circle Bill's responses.
    Check the answers.
    Both answers should be b.

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