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标签:高三英语复习教案范文,高三英语备课教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 08年高三二模英语作文优秀句子欣赏,


    I. 08年高三二模卷优秀句子欣赏
    1.      Knowledge is power.
    2. Some people think we should read as many books as we can because books can help us enrich our knowledge and enlarge our views.
    3.As an author said, reading books is the way to self-improvement. Through reading, we talk to the greatest minds in history
    4. In my opinion, reading gives us a chance to enjoy the colorful world. It is a bright mirror from which we can know our mistakes and change our bad habits
    5. There is no doubt that books are our best friends in modern society. Books are to us what food is to man.
    6.Books can not only entertain us and make our life colorful,
    but also make us become intelligent and confident.
    7. It's never too late to learn.
    8. In books, there are women whose faces are finer than jade.
    9. The more books you read, the better you write.
    (The more books you read, the more knowledge you will gain.)
    10. Reading enriches the mind. (Reading is always profitable.)


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