word power教案
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word power教案
4th period Word powerTeaching aims:
(1). Learn and master different expressions related to the law.
(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of the law.
Important points & difficult points:
(1). Talk about crime to learn new words.
(2). Remember the new expressions of the law.
Step 1 Revision:
Get the students to retell the passage in Reading.
Step 2 Words used in the law:
Give the students some explanations and get them to give proper words.
1. a dishonest, violent, or immoral action that can be punished by law
Last night a woman was murdered, and the ______ was committed by a male.
2. someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered
In most sexual offences the attacker is known to the ________. (victim)
3. an official organization whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch criminals, and to protect people and property.
Someone was heard fighting in the restaurant and I dialed 110; several ________________ arrived 5 minutes later. (police officers)
4. a police officer whose job is to discover information that will result in criminals being caught.
She hired a ________ to find out where her husband was going after work. (detective)
5. an official attempt to find out the reasons for something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem.
The government is to launch a full-scale __________ into the crash which claimed over 150 lives. (investigation)
6.facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that something exists or is true.
The _______ was enough to prove him to be guilty. (evidence)
7. an illegal action or a crime
Driving while drunk is a serious __________. (offence)
8. to ask someone questions to find out something
The police ________ some local people and find some evidence. (interview)
9. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, without being sure.
His behavior that day made the police _________. (suspicious)
10. someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened
Police have appealed for _______ to come forward and help them find the murderer. (witnesses)
11. if the police arrest you, they take you away because they think you have done something illegal.
The man was _______ for breaking the law. (arrested)
12. someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime
The man giving a lecture at the hall was a _______, who was being purchased by the police. (criminal)
13. someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime.
Two _______ were arrested today in connection with the robbery. (suspect)
14. to do something wrong or illegal
Women ______ fewer crimes than men. (commit)
15. having done something that is a crime
He was found _______ of murder in the court. (guilty)
16. to state officially that someone is guilty of a crime
The man they arrested last night has been _______ with murder. (charged)
17. a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged.
The witness was required to appear in _____. (court)
18. a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime.
Brady was on _______ for robbing an old man of his money. (trial)
Step 3 Read and understand
Ask the students to read the flow chart about the stages of the legal process in Part B. Discuss it among themselves.
Step 4 Further study
1. Complete the exercise of Part C.
(1) police station (2) crime (3) trials (4) arrested (5) charged (6) investigation (7) lawyers (8) witnesses (9) guilty (10) sentences (11) prison (12) victims
2. Ask students to do Part D in pairs. Encourage them to consult dictionaries when meeting an unknown word.
1. Keep in mind all the useful expressions related to the law.
2. Preview grammar and usage
,word power教案
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