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九年级英语外研小学起点上Module 2教案

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标签:九年级英语复习教案范文,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.16qiuxue.com 九年级英语外研小学起点上Module 2教案,
    Part IV: Module Task
    Organising a class talk
    1. Activity 9 on page 17. Ask the Ss. to read the statement.
    2. Let the Ss make notes about why you agree or disagree with the statement.
    3. Circulate and monitor their production.
    4: Let the Ss practise their talk.
    Part V: Recalling
    Recall what we have learned today.
    Part VI: A test
    Do Ex.4 on page 117 and hand in immediately.
    Part VII: Homework: Do the Self-assessment on page 119.
    Period 4. Language in use
    Teaching Content: Language in use
    Key structures: Passive voice. (重点)
    Teaching Aims and Demands:
    1. To summarize and consolidate grammar focus.
    2. To summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.
    Affection and attitudes: Books are our friends.
    Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.
    Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (video, OHP, handout)
    Teaching Procedures:
    Part I Revision
    Help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.
    Part II Language practice
    Task1: To summarize and consolidate the usage of Passive voice.
    (1).Run through the examples with the Ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of
    Passive voice.
    (2). Ask the Ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.
    (3). Ask"Can you make other similar examples?"
    (4).Focus the Ss's attention on the ways in which they are used:
    Part III Language in use
    Task1: Ask and answer questions about the form.
    (1). Compare these sentences with the sentences in the grammar box. In activity 1on page 14.
    (2). Now choose the correct form of the words in the box to complete the sentences.
    (3). Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
    Task 2: Finish the conversation in Activity 3 and Activity 8
    (1).Ask the Ss. to finish the conversation.
    (2). Exchange work and peer correct with another pair for accuracy.
    Task3: Revise words and expressions
    (1). Do Activity 5 on page 16 on page 16.
    (2). Make sure the Ss. understand the words.
    (3). Call back the answers from the whole class, and write them on the board.
    (4). If time permits, we can summarize the words and expressions in this module.
    Task4: Listening
    (1). Listen and do Activity 6 on page 16.
    (2). Do Activity 7 on page 16. Make sure the Ss. understand the sentences.
    (3). Call back the answers from the whole class, and write them on the board.
    Part IV: A test
    Do Ex 5 on page 117 in the TB.   Let's see who can finish it as soon as possible. Hand in immediately.
    Part V: Homework:
    Finish all the exercises in the WB.

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,九年级英语外研小学起点上Module 2教案



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