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一路求学网 http://www.16qiuxue.com  阅览次数: 543次 12-28 20:02:38 

标签:其他部门工作计划大全总结,http://www.16qiuxue.com 高三毕业生母校寄语,
Thanks to his alma mater, beautiful environment, thanks to his alma mater of my good education, thanks to my teacher carefully cultivated; miss his alma mater, the plants, hard to teach the teachers miss the background, missing his alma mater, spent in the good old days!

Walking in the campus of National Chiao Tung University, his alma mater, which reminds me of summer sunflowers, hearts full of affection and gratitude. In this season of spring flowers in full bloom, I say with deep feeling greetings: "Hello to his alma mater!"

Studying in Fudan University, it is my happiness. When the Internet search information, seen on many of his alma mater, often rising from my heart a sense of warmth and happiness. I tend to fate because I have become in the Ming.

To this end decade for the best, well-triumphant return on the battlefield. 09 entrance would like to wish his alma mater, the cause of even more brilliant!

Thank the leadership and the teachers of my concern and help! I have always believed: Select Mingde, you will be a greater chance of success! That is the truth!

This piece of paradise has been our artificial sweat, like a long process of convergence of the stream of our growth. Witness the growth of our alma mater, but also gives us the meaning of youth.









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